Developing dynamic individuals that restore the possibility to nourish our world

The Keystone Collection is committed to the development of the skills required by young agricultural scientists for them to make significant contributions to the sustainability of agricultural food production in the future and ultimately restoring the possibility to nourish our world.
We aim to help individuals thrive, develop, and add value to a dynamic agricultural industry and assist with the integration of soft skills and technical/scientific skills therefore creating careers in natural science-based industries that nourish and strengthen individuals and teams to recognize their value through their impact, thoughtfulness, leadership development and gender, race, and skills diversity.
Adopt an Aardvark Attitude!
An Aardvark Attitude requires paying attention to how you are impacting everything and everyone around you and working together to regenerate possibility!
Nature always provides a way of reminding us to think and act in an integrative way. Being mindful of how you creatively construct your life to ensure the integration with the larger ecosystem, together with diverse thinking and teamwork your impact can be magnificent!
By recognizing and being mindful of your thoughtfulness, kindness, and your own/others well-being, YOU become a keystone individual in your ecosystem.
The Keystone Collection provides me with a vision to share my experience with students, scholars, and the industry in creating careers and experiences that holistically encompass the value of life, health, and wellbeing. As agriculturists we play a major role in food production systems and realizing the importance of this space we can have a significant impact in this world.
Student/Scholar skills integration and training
Teamwork and
leadership development
Mentorship for career progression and transitions
Keystone workshops and experiences

Jacqueline Tucker is the director of Keystone Collection and a Professional Registered Animal Scientist (Pr. Sci. Nat. 400144/14). She completed an MSc Animal Science (Nutrition) at the University of Pretoria and is currently completing an MBA at Henley Business School-Africa. She has sixteen years’ experience in the agricultural industry in Southern Africa.
My experience in the agricultural industry and being inspired by nature has expanded my enthusiasm in all areas of life.
With the technical knowledge as a basis to taking on leadership positions, my journey has only just begun.
“Through relationships, partnerships, dedication, and passion, I believe we can continue to build a very successful agricultural industry in Africa.
By focusing on taking care of the individuals and teams working in agriculture, we can contribute to feeding the world’s growing population.
It’s all about creative collaboration!