The Aardvark, a Keystone species, with Attitude...
The Aardvark (Orycteropus afer) is the only species of its kind in the taxonomic order Tubulidentata.
Aardvark are considered a keystone species, meaning, those whose presence and role in an ecosystem is paramount and impacts the survival and abundance of all other species. They have a lasting effect on the ecosystem, keeping it in balance, which makes their presence highly significant. Removal of these species decreases the diversity of the ecosystem.
Aardvarks are Africa’s ecosystem engineers, with abandoned aardvark burrows being an important refuge place, providing shelter and breeding sites for several species ranging from den sites for African Wild Dogs, to shelter for Hyena, Honey Badgers, Jackals, Mongoose, Scrub Hares, rodents and even some bird species. The Aardvark regenerates possibility and is unique just like you!
Being inspired by nature, The Keystone Collection provides individuals with a vision to create a career that holistically encompasses the value of life, health, and wellbeing for everyone in their ecosystem, including themselves. As animal scientists and agriculturists, we play a major role in food production systems and realizing the importance of this space we can have a significant impact in this world.
Chat to us now about our workshops, talks and mentoring opportunities on skills development for your unique Aardvark Attitude.